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Time Clock: Troubleshooting

If your clock-ins aren't being recorded, here are some steps that can help you get back up and running.

Updated over a week ago

When Tanda is unable to connect to a time clock, the time clock will display as offline on your dashboard.

Troubleshooting an offline time clock

If your Time Clock has gone offline, an error will appear at the bottom of the Time Clock App. Click the arrow to expand the error and see the full message.

Follow the steps below to resolve your time clock connection issue, or if the error message displayed on your time clock matches one of the below, skip straight to that step:

1. Check your Wifi

Check the wifi connection of your device to ensure that you are connected to the internet.

You can double-check by opening the web browser on the device and then navigating to some web pages to confirm the internet is working as expected.

If your Time Clock has access to the internet, move to the next troubleshooting step.

2. Restart the Device

If your Time Clock is offline, try restarting your tablet and check if it's back online. This is recommended only if there are no pending clock-ins currently stored, as deleting the app will also remove any pending clock-in records.

3. Check for updates to the app

Tanda regularly makes updates to improve the reliability of the Time Clock.

When there is an update available it will show at the bottom of the Time Clock to any staff member. Click the message and then follow the prompts.

4. Force Sync

A quick way to force sync between the time clock and TANDA is to double-click on the TANDA logo located at the bottom right corner of the time clock.

You will then see a pop-up message confirming the syncing process is happening in the background - Simply press OK.

5. Reauthenticate your time clock

You may have an authentication error when this message appears in your app:

'Authentication problem. Clock-ins will be sent after this problem is resolved.
Go to 'Reauthenticate' in the Manager Settings to fix.'

To re-authenticate your Time Clock:

1. Enter the passcode of an Admin user

2. Navigate to the Menu in the top right

3. Select Settings

4. Select App Details

5. Select Reauthenticate

6. Select Continue on the modal and confirm your Time Clock setup code.

(for more information on where to find your time clock setup code, see Installing the Tanda time clock app)

Note: If the Time Clock is still online but times have not transferred to timesheets, check to see if any clocked times are pending on the Time Clock.

If there are any times listed in Pending Clock Ins on your time clock, they will be re-synced once the internet connection is fully restored or when you reauthenticate your timeclock.

-> The Time Clock App attempts to send the clock-in data to Tanda's servers the moment the clock-in is completed. Usually, this means a clock-in recorded on the Time Clock App will appear on timesheets within seconds of the clock-in.

As a safeguard, the Time Clock caches all clock-ins on the device locally until the device can send the data to Tanda's servers.

If you think it might be taking longer for clock-ins to be received, you can confirm if there is a delay by viewing the Timesheet Audit History. (Note: the audit history is visible to account Admins).

Troubleshooting and FAQ's

How to interpret the Timesheet Audit History:

1. Shows time the clock-in was received by the server in the 'time' column

2. Shows time the clock-in was recorded on the Time Clock in the 'changes' column

In most cases, there will be no difference between these two times as clock-in times are usually sent to the server within seconds of occurring. However, if the device had internet connection issues at this time, you might see a difference between these two times.

What does the time clock warning on a timesheet mean?

A warning appears on timesheets if the time clock status is changed to offline during the current timesheet period.

These warnings disappear once:

  1. The time clock is reconnected (see the below troubleshooting steps for assistance)

  2. The time clock is deleted:

    • To delete a time clock, navigate to Settings > Time Clocks

Note: This warning won't prevent you from approving or exporting timesheets.

Why are Clockin times coming through to timesheets incorrectly?

Sometimes when a time clock is using the incorrect time zone you will notice a difference on the timesheet. When this happens, you should check that the time and time zone on your device is set correctly. If you make any changes to these, you should then check that the timezone set on the time clock has also been updated. You can do this by logging in with the Admin passcode and then navigating to Settings > About Time Clock.

Will Pending Clockins be deleted if I Re-authenticate?

No, the re-authentication process will not delete your Pending Clockins.

Though when a connection is re-established the Time Clock will try to upload them to Tanda, if successful they will no longer show in the Pending Clockin list.

Will Pending Clockins be removed if I delete the Tanda Time Clock app?

Yes, deleting the app will delete any stored Pending Clockins.
They will not be recoverable.

Article keywords: time clock, timeclock, tablet

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