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Staff: Clocking In With The Mobile App
Staff: Clocking In With The Mobile App

A guide to using Tanda's remote clock-in feature for employees.

Updated over 3 months ago

This help guide will detail how to clock in remotely via the Tanda Mobile App from an employee's perspective. For details on enabling and managing this feature from an admin's perspective, see our Remote Clock-in help guide.

Your organisation may allow you to remotely clock in and out of shifts via the Tanda Mobile App. We'll walk you through using this feature, including details on allowing access to your camera and location, viewing your clock-in status, answering shift questions, and FAQs.

Clocking In And Out

If your organisation has enabled the remote clock-in setting, you can clock in and out remotely through the Tanda Mobile App. We recommend checking with your manager or account admin to determine whether your organisation has enabled this setting.

Note: The remote clock-in feature can be enabled for only certain teams. Just because a fellow employee can log in remotely doesn't necessarily mean you can. If you're unsure, please confirm with your manager or account admin.

To clock in, open the Tanda Mobile App and select the yellow 'Clock In' button in the top right corner. From here, you will be redirected to the clock-in screen. Select your team from the drop-down menu then take your photo to clock in.

The same process applies when clocking onto a break or out of your shift. You'll receive a confirmation message each time you clock in and out.

To clock in remotely, you must be within your location's approved log-in radius. This is often set to 100 metres, though it varies from business to business, so you should confirm with your manager or account admin. You must be within this radius to prove that you are actually on-site when attempting to clock in. If not, the clock-in attempt will be blocked.

Allowing Access to Your Camera and Location

To record an accurate clock-in, you must enable location and camera permissions for the Tanda Mobile App. Your organisation uses this information to ensure the right employees are clocking in at the right places.

If access is not provided, you cannot clock in remotely. If you attempt to do so, you will receive a message saying Clock In Blocked.

You will be prompted to grant these permissions when first accessing the Tanda Mobile App. If you clicked accept at that point, fantastic—you don't need to do anything else.

If not, follow the instructions below to grant the Tanda Mobile App location and camera access.

Apple Devices:

To check your location and camera permissions on an Apple device, navigate to the Settings menu and search for the Tanda App. Then, click on the app icon to see the below settings.

Ensure that the camera setting is toggled on, location access is allowed while using the app, and the 'precise location' setting is toggled on. The precise location setting ensures your phone uses the most accurate method to generate your location.

Android Devices:

To enable these settings on an Android device, click and hold the Tanda Mobile App, then select App Info. Then, click on permissions and ensure camera and location access is allowed while using the app and the 'precise location' setting is toggled on.

If you have issues with the accuracy of your clock-in location after following these steps, try closing and re-opening the Tanda app. Restarting your app forces Tanda to retrieve your most current location, as your phone may have received a more accurate position since first opening the app. If this doesn't work, you should also check for any app updates.

Viewing Your Clock-in Status

You can easily check whether you're clocked in, clocked out, or on a break by viewing your status in the top right corner of the Tanda Mobile App.

Answering Shift Questions

Your organisation may require you to answer questions when clocking in or out of a shift or registering your break. You may have to answer these shift questions every time you clock in or only in specific circumstances, like if you clock in later than your rostered start time.

To answer these shift questions, simply select or enter the relevant information, submit your response, and you'll be clocked in.

Please note that some questions are mandatory, meaning you won't be able to clock in until you provide an answer.

For more details on configuring and answering shift questions, please see our Shift Questions help guide.


How do I enable the remote clock-in feature?

You must have admin-level permissions to enable this feature. To do so, navigate to Settings > View all timesheet settings > Enable remote clock-ins.

For more details, please see our help guide on enabling remote clock-ins.

Can staff add comments when clocking out?

Yes. You can set this up using our Shift Questions feature by configuring a question with a free text field for employees to type their own answers.

To do so, navigate to Settings > All Settings > Shift Questions. Then, create a new question and enter the following information:

For: Mobile App

When: Clock Out

Only If: Always ask

With any tag: All staff

Ask: Enter your question in this field. For example: "Would you like to leave any comments for this shift?"

Then: Add a timesheet comment

Is Required: Leave this box unticked (unless you want the question to be mandatory)

Leave the "Add Quick Responses" field blank.

This will create a non-mandatory shift question that employees will be asked whenever they clock out. They will see a free text box to add whatever comments or feedback they want.

I can't see the ability to clock in remotely. Why not?

There are a few possible reasons for this: your organisation may not have this feature enabled, or they might only have it enabled for specific teams. You should contact your manager or account admin directly to confirm this.

You might also be attempting to clock in from outside your company's approved remote clock-in radius. This radius is set to ensure employees are actually on-site when clocking in. Your attempt will be blocked if you try to clock in from outside this radius.

Can I clock in without my photo being taken?

Unfortunately, no, it's not possible to clock in without your photo being taken. The Tanda Mobile App requires access to your device's camera to capture an image while clocking in to ensure accurate clock-ins. If camera access is not granted, you won't be able to clock in remotely, and you'll see a "Clock In Blocked" message.

Why won't my clock in work?

If you're being blocked from clocking in, or your clock-in won't record accurately, the most common troubleshooting step is to check your internet connection. A stable internet connection is required to clock in with the Tanda Mobile App. Please check your internet access while clocking in.

Additionally, as described above, ensure you have camera and location access enabled for the Tanda Mobile App. Both are required to record an accurate clock-in.

If you still have issues after completing these steps, please contact our friendly support team at

Can Tanda track my location when I'm not clocking in?

No! Tanda only requests your location when you access the 'clock in' page on the Tanda Mobile App. Your 'current location' isn't determined by Tanda—it is determined by your mobile device, which sends your current location to the Tanda App.

If your device last updated its current location a while ago, repositioning can take some time. Closing and re-opening the app speeds up this repositioning process by forcing your device to retrieve your latest location.

You can learn more about your privacy and security while using Tanda here.

Can I view the Tanda Mobile app on desktop?

Yes, to impersonate the Tanda Mobile app view on desktop, visit in your web browser.

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