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All CollectionsComplianceManaged Award Template Summary Guides
MA000065: Professional Employees Award 2020 Managed Template Summary
MA000065: Professional Employees Award 2020 Managed Template Summary

This guide will provide a summary of the application Professional Employees Award Managed Template in Tanda.

Updated over a week ago

  • The guide demonstrates how Tanda assists to meet the requirements of the award.

  • Highlighted Text beginning with the '📜' icon shows the relevant clause in the Award

  • This guide details the most common sections of the Award. To view the full sections of the Award, refer to the Professional Employees Award 2020 on the Fair Work Ombudsman website.

  • This guide was last reviewed on Monday 28 August 2023.

  • This guide includes the award variation effective from the first pay period commencing on or after 16 September 2023.

This article will cover the following aspects of the Professional Employees Award Managed Template:

Configuring the Managed Award Template

This section of the guide will take you through the options available for configuring employees under the Professional Employees Managed Template.

Enabling the Award Template

To utilise the Professional Employees Managed Template in your account you will first need to enable the Managed Template in your account.

To do this navigate to Time & Attendance > Compliance > Award Template > Apply Template:

image.png (1241×615)

Select the relevant payroll system if you have not already enabled a integration:

Scroll down the page to Apply an Award > click Enable next to the Award Template you would like to apply to your account:

Once the Award Template has been enabled you have the option to add staff to the award via the + Add Staff to Award button or via the steps outlined below:

For further information on how to configure the settings in your account including automatic breaks and public holidays please see the article Configuring Settings.

Classification of Staff

To pay an employee under a Managed Template you will need to configure their employee profile with both an Employment Type and a Classification/ Level.

An Employment Type is a tag which all the pay conditions (award rules) are associated to for an employee including penalties and overtime. An example of this kind of tag is 'Full Time'.

A Classification/ Level is the tag that will pay the employee their base rate which all penalties and overtime is calculated off. An example of this kind of tag is 'Level 1'.

To add an employee’s Employment Type and Classification/ Level, go to Time & Attendance > Staff > (Employee Name) > Pay Conditions > Under Industry Award select the Award applicable to the employee, as below:

The Employment Types and Classification/ Levels under the selected Managed Template will then populate via the drop downs for selection:

The Available Employment Tags:

  • Full Time

  • Part Time

  • Casual

  • Salaried

If you use autopay for your salaried employees please see the Salaried Staff guide on how to best configure this in Tanda.

The Available Classifications/ Levels:

  • Level 1 Graduate Professional - Pay Point 1.1 (3 year)

  • Level 1 Graduate Professional - Pay Point 1.1 (4-5 year)

  • Level 1 Graduate Professional - Pay Point 1.2

  • Level 1 Graduate Professional - Pay Point 1.3

  • Level 1 Graduate Professional - Pay Point 1.4

  • Level 2 Experienced Professional

  • Level 3 Professional

  • Level 4 Professional

  • Level 5 Experienced Medical Research

Please see the below example of a Level 4 employee who is Full Time:

Casual Employees

Please see the below information on managing casual employees in Tanda.

Casual Loading

📜 11. Casual employees

11.1 A casual employee must be paid per hour worked:

(a) the minimum hourly rate appropriate to the employee’s classification prescribed in clause 14Minimum rates; and

(b) a loading of 25% of that rate.

Casual loading in Tanda is applied using the multiplier method.

In the Tanda Employee Profile, the casual rate is expressed in the Monday to Friday pay rate with the base hourly rate showing the rate without the loading added. This is demonstrated in the below image:

The base hourly rate is always expressed as 1.25x on the timesheet and where applicable, penalty rates are expressed with the additional casual loading amount:

Casual Conversion

Australia's National Employment Standards provide a casual employee with a pathway to become a permanent employee. This pathway is known as ‘casual conversion’.

Casual conversion is referenced under the Professional Employees Award:

📜 11.3 Offers and requests for casual conversion

Offers and requests for conversion from casual employment to full-time or part-time employment are provided for in the NES.

Tanda has a Casual Conversion Dashboard which can be used to identify casual employees that may be suitable for conversion to a permanent employment type.

For further information on casual conversion, see the Fair Work Ombudsman resource 'becoming a permanent employee' or Tanda’s summary here.

Paying Higher Base Rates

If employees are paid a base rate higher than the Award Rate, simply enter the employee's base rate in the highlighted field below. This will override the rate in the system, and penalty rates and overtime will be calculated from this new rate.

For further information please see the Pay Above Template article.


Once an employee has clocked in and out of the Tanda app, this clocked time will be converted into a timesheet.

The time worked will be interpreted in Tanda based on the employee's Employment Type and Classification/ Level as configured in the Pay Conditions tab.

General Information

Once the employee classification has been set up, the rules applicable to that worker will now apply on the employee’s Timesheet when a shift is worked.

An example of an interpreted timesheet can be seen below.

The example employee has been configured to be full time and worked ordinary hours between the hours of 9:00am to 6:00pm:

For a general overview of timesheets in Tanda see Getting Started: Timesheets.

More examples of the automatic penalties and overtime conditions under the Professional Employees Managed Template are detailed below.

Automated Penalty Periods

The below penalty rates have been introduced into the Professional Employees Award 2020 per clause 18.4:

📜 18.4 Penalty rates

(a) An employer must pay an employee penalty rates for all hours worked at the direction of the employer as follows:

These penalty rates will apply automatically in Tanda based on time of day and day of the week.

For example, please see the below Monday to Saturday - Before 6.00am rate applying to a full time employee on a Tuesday:

The public holiday penalty will also automatically apply based on the public holidays configured in your Tanda account:

For more information on managing public holidays in Tanda, please see Configure public holidays dates.

Automated Overtime Conditions

For Full Time, Part Time and Casual employees, overtime is to be paid for working in excess of 38 ordinary hours per week or per cycle.

📜 18.2 Payment for overtime

(a) The employer must, subject to clauses 18.2(c), 18.3, 18.4 and 18.5, pay a full time employee the appropriate minimum hourly rate in clause 14 for all hours worked in excess of 38 hours per week, or an average of 38 hours per week over a period agreed pursuant to clause 13.2. This must include work on or in connection with call-backs and work performed on electronic devices or otherwise remotely.

Overtime for working in excess of 38 ordinary hours will apply automatically in Tanda:

The period over which this overtime is calculated can be set up to 13 weeks per clause 13.2 of the Award:

📜 13. Ordinary hours of work

13.2 An employer and employee may agree that the employee’s ordinary hours of work will be averaged over a period of up to 13 weeks.

The overtime averaging period can be set up in Tanda to reflect this. This overtime averaging period can either be set to apply to all employees across your organisation or can be customised per employee.

For details on how to configure this please see Overtime Averaging.

Minimum Engagements

Under the Award, Casual employees require a minimum engagement of 2 hours per shift as outlined in the below clause:

📜 11.2 A casual employee must be paid for at least 2 consecutive hours of work on each occasion they are required to attend work.

The above minimum engagement will automatically apply in the timesheet for Casual employees if they have worked less than 2 hours in a shift.

The minimum engagement will apply to any shifts under 2 hours even if there have been two or more shifts in the day. Please see the below example of a minimum engagement applying for a Casual employee:

Award Template Tags

In Tanda, award tags are applied to a timesheet in order to apply a manual overtime rule or override an automatic overtime rule.

List of Award Tags

Under the RIA Managed Template the available shift tags are:

Call Back

The ability to categorise worked time as a Call Back has been introduced into the Professional Employees Managed Template to facilitate clause 18.2:

18.2 Payment for overtime

(a) The employer must, subject to clauses 18.2(c), 18.3, 18.4 and 18.5, pay a full time employee the appropriate minimum hourly rate in clause 14 for all hours worked in excess of 38 hours per week, or an average of 38 hours per week over a period agreed pursuant to clause 13.2. This must include work on or in connection with call-backs and work performed on electronic devices or otherwise remotely.

NOTE: Time worked on a call back will count towards overtime for working in excess of 38 ordinary hours over the period.

To mark worked time as a Call Back, you will first need to save the Call Back shift tag to the profile of the applicable employee/s.

To do this navigate to Workforce > Staff > Employee Name) > Pay Conditions & Regular Hours > in Pay Fields click Make a Change > under Allowances/ Penalties search for the Call Back shift tag:

Then click Save Contract Changes.

To categorise time worked as a Call Back in a timesheet, the shift must be tagged as Call Back.

Please see the below example of the application of the Call Back shift tag for a Full Time employee:

Before the application of the shift tag:

After the application of the shift tag:

Automation of the Call Back Shift Tag

The application of the Call Back shift tag can be automated by associating the tag to a team.

To do this navigate to Workforce > Teams > select go to the location with the call back specific team and select this team by clicking the pencil icon:

Click Show advanced options...

Then under Associated Tags search and select the Call Back shift tag:

Then click Update Team Details at the bottom of the page.

Then when the employee works in this team the Call Back shift tag will automatically apply:

Time Off In Lieu (TOIL)

Time off instead of payment for overtime has been introduced into the Award via this variation.

18.3 Time off instead of payment for overtime

(a) An employee and employer may agree in writing to the employee taking time off instead of being paid for a particular amount of overtime that has been worked by the employee.


(d) The period of time off that an employee is entitled to take is the same as the number of overtime hours worked. EXAMPLE: By making an agreement under clause 18.3 an employee who worked 2 overtime hours is entitled to 2 hours’ time off.

This is commonly known as Time Off In Lieu or TOIL.

To facilitate an agreement to TOIL in Tanda, the TOIL shift tag firstly needs to be saved to the profile of the applicable employee/s.

To do this navigate to Workforce > Staff > Employee Name) > Pay Conditions & Regular Hours > in Pay Fields click Make a Change > under Allowances/ Penalties search for the TOIL shift tag:

Then click Save Contract Changes.

To then categorise time worked as TOIL in a timesheet, the shift must be tagged as TOIL so that time off is accrued instead of overtime rates being paid.

The overtime hours that have had a TOIL tag applied to them will no longer be costed in the timesheet.

Please see the below example of the application of the TOIL shift tag for a Full Time employee who has worked in excess of 38 ordinary hours for the period -

Before the application of a TOIL shift tag:

After the application of the TOIL shift tag:

In order to apply the TOIL shift tag in a timesheet you will need to have the Award Tags feature setting enabled.

Getting Set Up to Use Shift Tags

To utilise the above shift tags you will need to set up your account to use shift tags.

If you already see the Select Tag drop down in timesheets you will not need to do this.

If you can not currently see the Select Tag drop down navigate to Settings > Timesheets > Show Advanced Settings > select the box next to Show an extra dropdown to adjust shift cost (Award Tag):

Now you will see the shift tags that have been saved to an employee profile available via the drop-down in the timesheet as above.


The vehicle allowance pursuant to the Professional Employees Award 2020 has been built into the Tanda Managed Template.

Using the Vehicle Allowance

📜 16.3 Vehicle allowance

The employer must pay an employee required to use their private vehicle on the employer’s business at least $0.95 per kilometre travelled. For the purposes of clause 16.3 the use of the employee's private vehicle is by mutual agreement between the employee and employer.

This allowance will not apply unless specifically added to the timesheet.

This allowance is set up to manual in Tanda as it is not predictable when this allowance would be applicable.

To apply an allowance, go to the relevant employee’s timesheet and click on the blue ‘+ Add’ button under the start and finish times as shown below:

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Then, from the dropdown, select the manual allowance you wish to apply.

Please note that any custom automatic allowances will appear in the drop down however they cannot be edited.

Enter the number of units you wish to apply, then press the ‘Save Allowances’ button to apply it to the timesheet. Tanda will calculate the total cost of the allowance for you:

Once saved, the allowance will now apply to the day’s timesheet:

Repeat this process for each day and instance that a manual allowance is needed.

Further Information

If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact our support team via live chat or email (

For further information on this Award please see Professional Employees Award 2020.

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