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Casual Conversion Dashboard
Casual Conversion Dashboard

How to make the most of Tanda's Casual Conversion Dashboard.

Updated over a week ago

Tanda's Casual Conversion Dashboard is used to identify casual employees that may be suitable for conversion to a permanent employment type.

Why report on casual work patterns?

  • Australia's National Employment Standards provide casual employees with a pathway to become a permanent employee. This pathway is known as ‘casual conversion’

  • The eligibility requirements for casual conversion include whether the employee has worked a regular pattern of hours on an ongoing basis for at least the last 6 months and could continue working these hours as a full-time or part-time employee without significant changes*

  • Identifying employees who have worked similar hours over a period of time can assist to identify employees who could continue to work those hours as a full-time or part-time employees without significant changes

*For further information on casual conversion, see the Fair Work Ombudsman resource 'becoming a permanent employee' or Tanda’s summary here.

Enabling the Casual Conversion Dashboard

To enable the Casual Conversion Dashboard, navigate to Platform > Platform Templates > Reports (view).

There are two Casual Conversion Dashboards - one that is viewable by account administrators and one by team managers. They are functionally the same, except that team manager dashboard will only show employees who work in teams that manager supervises.

Select the relevant Casual Conversion Dashboard to enable the report in your account. Once enabled, it will be available under Reports > Compliance Reports.

How to interpret the report

Upcoming Assessments

Upcoming Assessments shows the number of employees who are nearing 12 months of employment.

Employees counted meet the below criteria:

  • Have been employed for 10 months to less than 12 months

  • Are active in your account

  • Have worked at least one shift in the last 6 months

Employees will move into “Requiring Assessment” after 12 months’ employment.

Requiring Assessment

This is the number of active casual employees who have completed at least 12 months’ employment and who need to be assessed for suitability for casual conversion.

‘Requiring Assessment’ includes employees who have not yet been assessed or who have made a request to convert to casual employment; and excludes casual employees who:

  • have been made an offer to convert; or

  • in the previous six months have:

    • rejected an offer to convert;

    • been issued with a notice that they will not be made an offer to convert on reasonable grounds; or

    • had a request to convert refused.

Pending Conversion Offers

This is the number of active casual employees who have been made an offer to convert. Employees who have changed to part-time or full-time employees or who have been marked as rejecting the offer will not be counted on this list.

Eligible to Request Conversion

This list will include employees who are eligible to request casual conversion. That includes employees who more than six months previously rejected an offer to convert, been issued with a notice that they will not be made an offer to convert, or had a request to convert refused.

12 Month Cumulative Outcomes

If you keep track of your casual conversion events in Tanda, this report counts those events in the previous 12 months.

Employee Review Lists

Pattern strength

Tanda gives each employee a Pattern Strength score out of 100. This score is simply a relative measure of how similar a pattern of work was over the previous 6 months.

Employees with the highest scores will usually have a stronger pattern on at least one day, taking into account:

  • the number of shifts worked on that day (the more total shifts on that day the better); and

  • the amount of variability in shift length of shifts worked on that day (the lower variability the better).

The score doesn’t give a definitive “Yes” or “No” that an employee has a regular pattern of hours worked, but it will help you to identify which employees have a stronger pattern.

Pattern graphs

Selecting an employee’s Tanda UID will allow you to review patterns in their working hours over the past six months.

The Roster Length filter

The roster length filter allows you to look for patterns over different periods of time (in weeks). By default, the filter is set to one week.

Pattern based on shift length

This graph shows:

  • bars representing the minimum, average (mean) and maximum shift length in hours for each day; and

  • the number of shifts represented in that data.

The strongest patterns will have very similar minimum, average and maximum shift lengths, as well as a high number of shifts relative to the roster length (e.g. 26 for a 1 weeks roster length).

All shifts are assigned to the day they commenced on. Zero hour shifts (i.e. days where no shifts commenced) are excluded.

Pattern based on working particular days and times

This heat map shows the number of shifts that the employee worked that included that day and hour of the day.

Is there a pattern based on shift length (by day and week)?

This heat map shows the number of hours worked each day.

Keeping track of your casual conversion events in Tanda

You can make the most of Tanda’s Casual Conversion Dashboard by tracking your casual conversion events in Tanda.

Enabling Casual Conversion Events Tracking

NOTE: Casual conversion events are moving to the new profile, this Platform Template Object below will be removed in the coming weeks.

Instead of adding events via the below, you can use the casual conversion tab on the employee's profile.

Tracking Casual Conversion Events

Casual Conversion Events can be tracked via the user profile in the "Pay Conditions Tab". Events made before July 7 will have been moved across automatically.

Frequently Asked Questions

I can't see the report?

You can check to see who has access to this report by going to the Report dropdown > BI Reporting

This will give you a list of which roles have access to the report. E.g.

You may also need to check the employee's permission to view embedded reports by going to Custom Permissions > Customise access & roles here.

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