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Create and Apply Allowances

How to create, edit, and apply Allowances to employees and Timesheets in Tanda.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

This help guide will detail how to create and apply Allowances in Tanda.

What is An Allowance?

An Allowance is an additional payment made on top of an employee’s regular wages.

Allowances generally apply when employees:

  • Work in certain conditions

  • Perform certain tasks

  • Have particular skills

  • Use their own equipment when working

  • Incur expenses while completing tasks

Each Industry Award prescribes specific Allowances, while some businesses may choose to pay additional Allowances based on agreements with their employees.

Common Allowances include:

  • Uniforms and special clothing

  • Tools and equipment

  • Travel and fares

  • Car and phone

  • First aid

  • Laundry

  • Sleepover

  • On-call

  • Leading hand or supervisor

  • Industry of employment (for example, building and construction).

View Allowances

To view the Allowances configured in your account, navigate to Time & Attendance > Compliance. Then, select Manage next to Allowances.

Each Allowance has the following fields:

Name: The Allowance name as it appears on Timesheets. Extra context may appear in the name, e.g. Vehicle Allowance - Car. Additional information can also be added via the Description field.

When: When will the Allowance apply to a timesheet? This is only applicable for automatic Allowances and takes into account settings such as times and days, how it will be paid per hour, and the hours or days the Allowance will apply.

Who: Which employees does the Allowance apply to? Only employees specified in this column, e.g., employees with forklift certifications, will have the Allowance as an option on their Timesheet. You can access a list of these applicable employees by clicking the blue text.

The rate: What rate is the Allowance paid at? This may be a specific cost per shift or hour (e.g. $1.25 laundry Allowance once per day) or a multiplier of an employee's hourly rate (e.g. 3x an employee's base rate). Under this section, you can also configure your allowance to be based on periods of time (e.g. hours and minutes) rather than units.

The Award: Which Award Template is the Allowance attached to? Only employees on the relevant award will be eligible for the Allowance.

If an Allowance is marked as Read only, it is attached to an award template and cannot be altered.

Allowances Contained in Managed Award Templates

When a Tanda-managed Award Template is enabled in your account, all of the related Allowances are automatically created. These Allowances become available to employees classified in Tanda under the relevant Managed Award Template.

All Allowances contained in managed award templates are read only. This means that they cannot be deleted or altered. However, details such as who the Allowance applies to can be edited for most of these Allowances. The staff to which this Allowance applies can be found by clicking the blue text under the Who column.

For an overview of the Allowances for some of our larger managed templates, see below:

Create an Allowance

You can also create additional Allowances that apply either manually or automatically. Manual Allowances only apply when they are added manually to a timesheet, while automated Allowances apply automatically whenever the conditions of the Allowance are met.


To create a manual Allowance, follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to Time & Attendance > Compliance > Allowances > Manage.

  2. Click the + New Allowance button in the top right corner of the screen

  3. Enter the Allowance details, including:

    1. Name and an optional description

    2. In the Link to your payroll system section, enter an Export name and the related Award Template.

    3. In the What type of Allowance? section, select Manual.

    4. Select whether it applies to All Staff or certain staff based on their Tags

      1. Advanced options include staff within an age range, staff on probation, a date range to apply, or tags that it will not apply to.

    5. Enter either a Specific Cost to be paid or a Multiplier of the base rate.

      1. Advanced options include the number of units to be paid each time the Allowance applies or shift padding to apply the minimum number of units. Additionally, you can tick 'Pay the rate based on a period of time' to make your Allowance be based on a period of time, rather than units.

  4. Click the Create Allowance button once finished.


To create an automatic Allowance, follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to Time & Attendance > Compliance > Allowances > Manage.

  2. Click the + New Allowance button in the top right corner of the page.

  3. Enter your Allowance details, including:

    1. Name and an optional Description

    2. In the Link to your payroll system section, enter an Export name and the related Award Template

    3. In the What type of Allowance? section, select Automatic.

    4. Select whether it applies to All Staff or certain staff based on their Tags.

      1. Advanced options include staff within an age range, staff on probation, a date range to apply, or tags that it will not apply to.

    5. Select what Days it can apply.

    6. Select what Type of Hours the Allowance will apply to from Ordinary Hours, Overtime Hours, or Both.

    7. Select whether the Allowance applies for All Hours of the Shift or Specific Times.

    8. Select what types of shifts the Allowance will apply to.

      1. Advanced options allow you to link Allowances to shifts worked in a particular team or shifts with a particular award/classification tag.

    9. Enter either a Specific Cost to be paid or a Multiplier of the base rate.

      1. Advanced options include the number of units to be paid each time the Allowance applies, shift padding to apply the minimum number of units, or the maximum quantity to be applied each week. Additionally, you can tick 'Pay the rate based on a period of time' to make your Allowance be based on a period of time, rather than units.

4. Click the Create Allowance button once finished.

Create Allowances Based on Periods of Time

Typically, our allowances have been paid based on Units. However, we also support the functionality of creating allowances based on periods of time.

To do so, navigate to Time & Attendance > Compliance > Manage (Allowances) > + New Allowance and begin creating your Allowance by following the instructions above.

The setting to configure Allowances to be based on periods of time is located under ‘Advanced options’ for the question ‘What rate is it paid at?’. Simply tick the ‘Pay the rate based on a period of time’ checkbox to enable this setting.


Note that you can also edit your existing Allowances and tick this box to apply the same functionality.

Once configured, you can apply your Allowance to Timesheets by navigating to the appropriate Timesheet, selecting + Add Allowances, and inputting the appropriate period of time. For example:

Screenshot 2025-02-25 at 2

In this context, one hour is equivalent to one unit, while one minute is equivalent to 1/60th of a unit. Accordingly, if your Allowance was paid at $1 per unit and you entered 1 hour 20 minutes in the above field, the cost would output as $1.33.

Please note that if you have not ticked the 'Pay the rate based on a period of time’ checkbox for your Allowance, you won't see the ability to input hours and minutes. Instead, you will just see the Units field. For example:

Apply Allowances to Timesheets Manually

An Allowance can be applied to a timesheet manually if all of the following conditions are met:

  • The employee has the relevant classification tags on their Staff Profile (via the Pay Configuration tab), or the Allowance applies to All Staff, and;

  • If an award is specified in the Link to your payroll system section of the Allowance settings, the employee is classified under that Award Template, and;

  • The Allowance type is manual.

To manually add an Allowance to a timesheet:

  1. Navigate to the timesheet of the relevant employee.

  2. Click the + Add Allowances button.

  3. Click the Select Allowance option and choose the relevant option.

  4. Enter the number of Units to be applied.

  5. Click Save Allowances to save changes.

Applying Allowances with Shift Questions

Allowances can be automatically applied to timesheets based on responses provided by employees to shift questions. These shift questions either:

  • Create an Allowance (number input)

  • Create an Allowance (yes/no answer)

  • Set a shift tag

To learn more about shift questions, see our Shift Questions help guide.

Create a Shift Question Allowance (Number Input)

When a shift question is configured to create an Allowance (number input), employees are prompted to enter a number when clocking in or out of their shift.

Once the shift question has been created, an Allowance is automatically created containing the same Allowance name as the shift question being asked.

The Allowance is pre-filled with the following default values:

  1. Name: Shift Question: [As it appears in the shift question].

  2. Export name: Shift Question: [As it appears in the shift question] and applicable to the Custom Payroll Setup template (Note: this value will likely have to be updated to the name of a pay item in your payroll).

  3. Manual Allowance type (Note: keep this Allowance manual for this shift question).

  4. Applies to All Staff.

  5. Paid at a specific cost of $1.00.

We recommend reviewing the Allowance and adjusting any relevant fields as soon as possible after the shift question has been created.

Once configured, the number of Allowance units applied will be based on the employees’ responses to the shift question.

Create a Shift Question Allowance (Yes/No Answer)

When a shift question is configured to create an Allowance (yes/no answer), employees are prompted to respond with yes or no when clocking in or out of their shift.

Once the shift question has been created, an Allowance will be created with the following default values:

  1. Name: Shift Question: [As it appears in the shift question].

  2. Export name: Shift Question: [As it appears in the shift question] and applicable to the Custom Payroll Setup template (Note: this value will likely have to be updated to the name of a pay item in your payroll).

  3. Manual Allowance type (Note: keep this Allowance as manual for this shift question).

  4. Applies to All Staff.

  5. Paid at a specific cost of $1.00.

We recommend reviewing the Allowance and adjusting any relevant fields as soon as possible after the shift question is created.

Once configured, the Allowance will only apply if the employee responds ‘No’ to the question.

Create a Shift Question That Applies a Timesheet Tag

When a shift question is configured to set a shift tag, an employee’s response will determine the Allowance that applies.

To use this workflow, a classification tag, shift question, and Allowance must be created. The steps to create these are outlined below.

With this configuration:

  1. An employee will clock in/out of their shift and select one of the pre-set responses.

  2. Their response to the shift question will apply the corresponding shift tag.

  3. The shift tag will apply the corresponding Allowance.

Ensure the setting to Show an extra dropdown to adjust shift cost (Award Tag) is also enabled through Settings > All Settings > Timesheets > Advanced Settings.

This will add an additional field under the team selection on timesheets.

Create a Classification Tag

  1. Navigate to the Compliance tab and select Manage next to Classification tags.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and enter a name for the tag.

  3. Click the green + button.

Create a Shift Question

  1. Navigate to Settings > All Settings > Shift Questions.

  2. Click the + New Question button and configure the question as required.

  3. Select Set a shift tag for the ‘Then’ section of the shift question.

  4. Enter Quick answer options and select the corresponding classification tags previously created.

Create an Automatic Allowance

  1. Navigate to the Allowances page from Compliance > Allowances (Manage).

  2. Click the green + New Allowance button in the top right corner of the screen.

  3. Enter the Allowance details as required, ensuring the Automatic option is selected.

  4. Ensure the Type of shifts it will apply to field is linked to the relevant Classification tag you’ve created under the advanced options.

  5. Click the green Create Allowance button once relevant details have been entered.

FAQs and Troubleshooting

Why can’t I add an Allowance to an employee's timesheet?

Ensure you have the required permission to add an allowance and that the employee meets the relevant conditions of the allowance:

  • The employee has the relevant classification tags on their profile, or the allowance applies to All Staff.

  • The employee is configured to the same award chosen in the Link to your payroll system section of the allowance.

  • The allowance type is manual.

Can employees apply Allowances to their own timesheets?

Employees can only apply their own allowances if the Allow staff to make changes to all timesheet fields setting is enabled, as shown below.

This setting is located under Settings > All settings > View all permission settings > Employee permissions.

Allowances are added by logging into Tanda in a web browser, so employees also require the Enable Tanda Login permission enabled on their employee profile.

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