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Add or Import Staff

How to add new or existing employees to your Tanda account.

Updated over 2 months ago

This help guide details how to add or import employees into your Tanda account. Please note that an employee must be added or imported into your account; they cannot join your Tanda account without first being invited. Learn more in our Access Your Tanda Account help guide.

Further, please be advised that you require certain permissions to add or import staff to Tanda. If you are unable to complete the below steps, you likely have the incorrect permission level. We recommend reaching out to your account admin to rectify this.

There are four ways to add or import employees into your account:

  1. Paperless Onboarding [RECOMMENDED]

  2. Import from Payroll System

  3. Import from Excel (.CSV)

  4. Add Manually

You can find all four of these options by logging into your Tanda account, navigating to Workforce > Staff, and clicking the +Add Staff button in the top right corner.

Paperless Onboarding (Recommended)

Paperless onboarding collects all the required payroll information from a new employee through a simple online form. We highly recommend using this method to add staff, as it is the fastest and easiest way to collect and enter employee details in your Tanda account and payroll software.

To add staff using this method, select the Paperless Onboarding option after clicking +Add Staff, then fill out the forms as prompted. For example:

Once you have filled out these forms, Tanda will automatically create employee profiles in MYOB and Xero through our integrations. For other systems, Tanda produces a simple report with the completed employee payroll details.

For more information about Paperless Onboarding, see our Send An Employee Onboarding Invitation help guide.

Import from Payroll Software

To import staff details from your payroll software, click Import from (next to 'Import bulk staff'), then select your payroll system. If you cannot see your payroll system listed in the menu, ensure your payroll integration is currently connected (Settings > Integrations).

You will then be directed through the import process, which will vary depending on your specific payroll system.

For more details on payroll integrations, see our help guide on Connecting your payroll system.

Import from Excel (CSV)

To import employees from Excel, select Import from > Excel (CSV) (next to 'Import bulk staff').

Importing from CSV is ideal if you use a payroll system that doesn't integrate directly with Tanda.

To import from CSV, we recommend using our Excel template. Alternatively, you can use the CSV file your payroll software exports as long as it contains the same basic information (the columns can be in any order).

When importing from Excel, you will be asked to match each column to the relevant field in Tanda. For instance, your Excel document may have headings labelled 'Employee Name' and 'DOB', whereas the corresponding headings in Tanda may be 'Name' and 'Date of Birth'—you will need to match these up as shown below.

Not all fields are required, although a staff profile requires a name and an email address at minimum. If you use a Tanda Award Template, a date of birth is also mandatory, as this is used to track employee birthdays and corresponding pay rises.

Add Manually (Create New Profile)

To manually add a new employee profile, click +Add Staff and select "Create New Profile." You will then be prompted to fill out the following form:

Once you have filled out all the mandatory details, you can invite the employee to Tanda by clicking the "Create Employee" button at the bottom of the page. At this point, the employee will receive an email inviting them to set their Tanda password and log in.

If you create an employee profile manually, you can still send onboarding forms from the HR tab of the employee profile later on, as long as you have entered a valid email for that employee.


I am trying to onboard an underage employee who does not have a Tax File Number (TFN) or Superannuation details. What should I do?

During the onboarding process, the underage employee can select "I'm under 18 and don't earn enough to pay tax" in the Tax File Number section. For superannuation, they must still provide details, as employees under 18 may still be eligible for mandatory super. You can learn more about this here. They can choose your company's default nominated fund if they don't have one.

I'm an employee and have not received the invite to join Tanda. What should I do?

Please reach out to your manager or account admin to confirm they definitely sent the invite. If necessary, direct them to resend the invite by navigating to the Hire & Onboard tab of your Staff Profile and looking for 'Send onboarding email.'

Does Tanda onboarding send a Fairwork Information Statement and Casual Employment Information Statement?

A link to the Fair Work Information Statement is sent to employees after they complete onboarding.

The Casual Employment Information Statement is only sent to employees who are set up as Casual before onboarding is sent out to them - i.e. they are set up with an Award and classified as Casual.

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