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Expr3ss! Predictive Hiring Integration

Connecting Expr3ss! to Tanda

Updated over 2 years ago

About Expr3ss! Predictive Hiring Technology

Expr3ss! quickly and cost-effectively matches and pinpoints only those applicants with the right skills, attitudes and cultural fit. They cut staff turnover and improve productivity. They are the only gateway to get more engaged people and higher performing employees, at lower cost. Avoid damaging mis-hires, get more effective employees and free HR for more value-adds.

Expr3ss! / Tanda Integration

Expr3ss! have built an integration into Tanda via our API to create employees that have been hired through Expr3ss! and also to trigger a paperless onboarding invitation (if you select to do this).

Expr3ss is hitting the Create User and Invite User for Onboarding endpoints in Tanda’s API.

When you move an applicant across to Tanda they will get the pop up window as seen here:

If you choose not to click on the onboard option the applicant's details will simply populate within Tanda as a manual profile creation (via the Create User endpoint) and you can then configure the profile, send an onboard and/or send out contacts/documents from there later.

If you have already set up onboarding documents in Tanda and have used Expr3ss! to get a signed contract; you may want to open up the Onboard Option and see the tick box:

This will then automatically trigger the paperless onboarding email request out of Tanda (via the Invite User for Onboarding endpoint) to collect payroll details. Keep in ind - you can still send contracts/documents for signing once the onboard has been sent also so lots of flexibility here!

To connect Expr3ss! and Tanda contact Expr3ss! support and they will help provision the integration.

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