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Send an Employee Onboarding Invitation
Send an Employee Onboarding Invitation

Automate the collection of personal, bank, tax file number details for new employees.

Updated over a week ago

Looking to streamline your hiring process too? Tanda Hire is our new applicant tracking system where you can create job ads, compile applications and resumes, and link straight into Tanda's Employee Onboarding.

Employee Onboarding is the fastest way to collect payroll information for new employees. Employee onboarding collects the below forms:

  • Tax File Number declaration form

  • SuperChoice form

  • Personal details

  • Bank details

You can customise your employee onboarding setup to include additional documents, contracts, and questions.

To learn how employees complete Onboarding, read the Completing Employee Onboarding guide.

How it works

Once you have made an offer of employment, add the employee to Tanda using paperless onboarding to send onboarding forms to the employee. On completion, the employee will be automatically created in live systems such as MYOB and Xero. For other payroll systems, you will receive a completion report with the completed details.

To see an example from an employee's perspective, see the Employee Onboarding landing page.

To see how paperless onboarding works with Sage MicrOpay, see Automatically sync employee information with Sage MicrOpay.

Inviting new employees to complete onboarding

Navigate to Workforce > Employee Onboarding > Onboard New Staff.

Enter the following details in the onboarding form:

  • First and last name

  • Email

  • Phone (optional)

  • Employee's address

  • Date of birth

  • Employment start date

  • Teams the employee will work in

  • The employee's default payroll team

  • Position (optional)

  • Documents (optional)

  • Contracts (optional)

You also have the option to enter the following details under the View extra optional information tab:

  • Industry award

  • Employment type

  • Classification/Level

  • Allowances/Penalties

  • Additional Tags

  • Hourly rate

  • Annual salary

  • Regular Hours of Work

An employee's hourly rate can be automatically generated based on the industry award and their age.

To do so, enter details in the Industry Award, Employment Type, Classification/Level, and Date of Birth fields. The hourly rate can then be inserted into an employment contract.

Tip: as you will be collecting employment related documentation, it's important to invite employees using their correct legal name.

Once the employee has completed onboarding

Upon completion of their details, the employee will be sent a confirmation email with a link to the Fair Work Information statement. You will also receive a confirmation via email which will outline the next steps to be taken to complete the setup for this employee.

This information will be available via Workforce > Staff on the employee's profile under the Onboarding tab.

Syncing onboarding information to your payroll system

If you use Xero or MYOB AccountRight Live, this information will also be sent to your payroll system.

What gets sent to Xero?

Personal and bank details, TFN and Super choice is sent to Xero once all the information is collected. If the fund is not already in Xero, Tanda will create it and link it to the employee. 

You will just need to enter the employee's emergency contact information in Xero and assign their Leave accruals. 

The only other bit of classifying you need to do, is on the employee's profile in Tanda, is to select their employment type and classification/level, for this to push through to Xero. 

What gets sent to MYOB?

Personal and bank details, TFN and Superannuation details (Superannuation Guarantee is applied by default) are sent to MYOB once all the information is collected.

Tip: For superannuation details to be sent, the relevant funds must be added to the Superannuation Fund list in MYOB. You can add a number of frequently used funds to your list so that new employees who enter those fund details in paperless onboard

You will just need to enter the employee's start of employment date, and emergency contact information in MYOB and assign their Leave accruals (unfortunately this isn't available yet with MYOB). 

The only other classifying you need to do, is on the employee's profile in Tanda, is to select their employment type and classification/level, for this to push through to MYOB.  

How will I know if the information has been pushed to my payroll system?

Once the information has been pushed to payroll, the following message will appear  on the employee’s profile under the Onboarding” tab:

Can I download a CSV of the onboarding data?

Yes, this can also be used as a way of extracting the data to then be imported into other payroll systems.. Through the standard staff export you can export most onboarding details from the onboarding tab on the employee profile.

To do this:

  1. Navigate to Workforce > Staff

  2. Select the Tools button in the top right corner

  3. Select Export > Employee data (CSV)

Customising employee onboarding

You can customise onboarding to your needs by including forms, custom questions, and by attaching employee contracts to the form.

Send employment contracts

Before staff complete their onboarding, you can request they read and agree to the terms of an employment contract. Use a contract template for multiple new employees and have the specific details automatically populate per employee. Learn more in the Create a Contract Template guide.

When sending contracts through employee onboarding, you can also enable the setting Signed Contract Required Before Onboarding that requires staff to agree to the contract prior to them entering their details. Learn more about this setting in the Send Contracts guide.

Send documents and policies

PDF documents up to 5MB can be uploaded to Tanda to then share with employees during onboarding. Sort multiple documents into bundles to speed up the process, and record employee agreement to the policies in Tanda. Learn more about documents in the Documents and Document Bundles guide.

Add additional onboarding questions

Use the Onboarding Questions tab to include more questions for new starters to answer, such as uniform sizes or license numbers.

Staff will be required to answer all questions before they are able to submit onboarding.

Configure which roles can send onboarding invitations, and who gets notifications

By default users with Admin, Payroll Officer, General Manager or Team Manager permissions can send onboarding invitations.

If a Team Manager invites a new employee, Admins will be notified via email and the new employee will automatically be added to the Teams that the Team Manager is assigned to. Team Managers can only onboard staff to teams they're marked as Manager Of.

If a user with Admin permission invites a new employee, only that user will receive the invitation notification.

Upon completion, only the user who sent the onboard will be notified i.e. if a team manager sends the invite, only that person will get the completion email.

We suggest using the Onboarding History section of the onboarding hub to monitor status/completions.

You can also add in a platform report "New Employee Starts" to monitor. Head to Settings > Platform > Platform Templates to add this to your dashboard.

You are able to customise the permission to invite employees via Settings > All Settings > Permissions. Scroll to the bottom and open Show Advanced Settings > Customise access & roles here.

Select the relevant role, and navigate to 'Create' under the Employee Permissions.

FAQs & Troubleshooting

My staff got one of the fields wrong or have requested to change some of the information?

Any changes made to the onboarding tab is not automatically pushed to your payroll software after initial onboarding. Please update any information directly in Xero / MYOB.

My staff gets redirected to "All done" when clicking on the onboarding link.

This may happen if an employee had previously completed onboarding for another organization on their device. Please advise them to clear the browser cookies or open the onboarding link in an incognito or private tab.

Do you automatically push this information into other payroll systems?

Unfortunately not. While we can do TFN declarations for any single-payroll clients, we only integrate this data with Xero and MYOB AccountRight Live.

My staff often get their residency wrong on the Tax File Declaration?

The Onboarding tool gives an alert when staff say that they are not a resident. We also provide them with a link to the ATO website to help them clarify which option they should select.

My staff often get the Tax Free Threshold question wrong on the Tax File Declaration?

When an employee selects “No” to the Tax Free Threshold during Onboarding, we follow up with another question: “Is {business name} your only payer”. If they select “Yes” to this question, we advise that they should probably be claiming the Tax Free Threshold.

Can I use this for my existing staff?

Onboarding can be used for existing staff in a particular set of circumstances:

  • If an employee has been added manually, has an email address in Tanda and is not currently in either Xero or MYOB, you can send the employee an Onboarding invitation. The information they enter will then be appended to their existing profile and you can lodge a TFN for them or enter their details into your payroll system.

  • If you see this on an employee’s profile, it means they can be onboarded even though they have an existing staff profile:

We've onboarded a staff member in Tanda but they are not coming across to Xero, why?

First, check the employee onboarding status in the Onboarding hub. To get there please head to Workforce > Employee onboarding > Onboarding history:

If the onboarding status is not marked as Onboarding Completed, then the employee has not finished onboarding. If that is the case we recommend reaching out to them directly so they can complete all the form steps and submit their details.

If you can see that the onboarding information has partially come through to TANDA but the onboarding status is still marked as Invitation sent / In progress, we recommend checking that the employee isn't bypassing any of the steps by entering blank spaces. If they are, please get them to enter real data and try resubmitting their details one more time.

How can you enter or change the employer default super fund?

To enter or change the employer default super fund displayed in the superannuation section of onboarding:
1. Navigate to Settings > All Settings > Superannuation > Configure Super Choice
2. Turn on Employer's Nominated Fund
3. Search from the list of funds to select your employer default fund

Does the data automatically send to Xero and MYOB?

If your organisation only has one payroll integration, and that integration is Xero or MYOB, no further steps are required once an employee completes their onboarding form. The completed information will automatically transfer to your payroll software.

If you have more than one payroll integration enabled in your account, and the employee is not yet assigned a 'default payroll team' on their employee profile, follow the below steps:
1. Assign a default payroll team on their employee profile
2. Navigate to the onboarding tab of the employee profile and click 'push to [your payroll file name]' to send the onboarding information to your payroll file

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