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Clocking into breaks

Manage how staff use the Timeclock to clock their breaks.

Updated over a year ago

This help guide covers:

Allow staff to clock breaks

Get staff clocking their breaks on either the Timeclock or Mobile App by enabling the relevant permission.

Navigate to Settings > All Settings > Permissions and ensure the Allow staff to clock breaks option is ticked.

Save this change with the blue Update Settings button at the bottom of the screen.

Using the Timeclock to clock a break

With the permission enabled, staff can use the Timeclock to record their breaks and have them appear on their timesheets.

Using their passcode, staff can select the Start Break option to clock onto their break, and End Break option when they're going back to work

Choose which break you're clocking into

You can require your staff to nominate which break they are clocking into each shift on the Timeclock app. Automatic break rules will need to be configured in the account to use this feature.

To enable, navigate to Settings > All Settings > Shift Breaks, and enable the Require staff to nominate which break they are taking option.

If any automatic breaks are named, these will appear when staff clock into their breaks, along with the break length. If automatic breaks are not named, breaks will appear as Paid or Unpaid, along with the break length.

This feature is not currently available for the Mobile App.

Enforce minimum break lengths

To prevent staff from clocking off their break too early, organisations can Enforce minimum break durations on the Timeclock app.

To enable this, the Automatic break rules and the Require staff to nominate which break they are taking settings must also be enabled to use this feature:

Enable the minimum break length feature by navigating to Settings > All Settings > Shift Breaks and tick the Enforce minimum break durations option.

Once staff nominate the break they're taking, the time remaining on the break will appear, and they won't be able to clock back in until the minimum length has surpassed.

This feature is not currently available for the Mobile App.

Using the Mobile App to clock a break

With Remote Clock-ins enabled through Settings > All Settings > Timesheets, staff can use the Mobile App to start and finish their breaks.

Once staff are clocked into their shift, they can start their break through button under their profile picture.

When clocking back into work, staff can use the same button to finish their break.

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