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Pay Checks Explained

A deep dive into Tanda's 'Pay Checks' feature.

Updated over a week ago

This help guide will explain Tanda’s Pay Checks feature, including details about what they are, why we use them, and how to configure and manage them.

For extra details on how to configure Pay Checks, please also see our Configuring Pay Checks help guide.

What Are Pay Checks?

Pay Checks are a series of configurable validations in Tanda, which can be used to either prevent users from performing a particular action entirely or warn users when a certain action occurs. As the name suggests, the primary focus of Pay Checks is to verify that important payroll-related information is accurate and valid, ensuring you remain compliant.

For example, you could configure a Pay Check that warns you if a shift you're about to publish overlaps with an approved leave request or enable a check that blocks you from publishing a roster without entering valid shift start and end times.

Pay Checks are optional and can be configured to be Warning, Blocking, or Disabled, meaning you can enable as many or as few checks as appropriate for your organisation.

Why Use Pay Checks?

Given the sensitive nature of most Payroll data, Pay Checks act as a failsafe to ensure ‘bad’ data is never created to begin with, as unnoticed Payroll errors can have a significant compounding impact. In this way, Pay Checks are intended to be preventative.

The goal behind Pay Checks is to avoid bad, invalid, or incorrect data from being created by flagging errors before they occur, thereby granting you extra peace of mind.

We achieve this by running checks in real-time on pages or forms where users enter data that could impact Payroll. Then, depending on your settings, you will either be alerted to potential errors before they occur or blocked from performing the action entirely.

Configuring Pay Checks

To configure your Pay Check settings, navigate to Reports > Central Pay Check Report > Configure Checks.

Please note that only users with Admin-level permissions can access and update these settings.

Once you have configured your checks, you can then run the Central Pay Check Report, which will provide a summary of any current errors in your account. For example:

For a full rundown of this process, please see our Configuring Pay Checks via the Central Pay Check Report help guide.

Can I Disable Pay Checks?

Yes. Each individual Pay Check can be set to either Blocking, Warning, or Disabled.

Accordingly, you could disable all Pay Checks if required or only certain ones. To do so in bulk, use the ‘Bulk actions’ menu and select ‘Mark section as disabled.’ You can also use the Bulk actions menu to set all checks as Blocking or Warning. Repeat this process for each section as needed.

Alternatively, you can disable only specific Pay Checks using the toggles.

Warning vs Blocking Pay Checks

Pay Checks marked as Warning will alert you about a particular action. However, if desired, you can ignore this warning and proceed anyway. By comparison, Pay Checks marked as Blocking will prevent you from performing the action entirely until the error is resolved.

When triggered, Pay Checks configured to be Blocking will appear with a red banner, as below:

When expanded, you can click on each link to be directed to the appropriate page to resolve the error.

When triggered, Pay Checks configured to be Warning will appear with a yellow/orange banner, as below:

If Blocking and Warning Pay Checks are triggered simultaneously, you will see both banners, as below:

Pay Check Categories Explained

Below, we will explain each Pay Check category. To access these settings, navigate to Reports > Central Pay Check Report > Configure Checks (note that you require admin permissions to access or edit these settings).

Please note that we regularly add new Pay Checks, so the below list may not be exhaustive.

Organisation Pay Checks

As the name indicates, these Pay Checks relate to organisation-wide settings, such as a timeclock being offline, an ABA setup being incorrect, missing payroll reporting details, and more.

You can configure the following Organisation Pay Checks:

Employee Pay Checks

These Pay Checks are employee-specific, controlling things like an employee missing a phone number or date of birth in their profile, an employee having no position or default team, an employee missing bank details, and more.

You can configure the following Employee Pay Checks:

Shift Pay Checks

These Pay Checks relate specifically to shifts, including things like a shift having no cost, a shift overlapping with a leave request, a shift missing a start/finish time, and more.

If you choose to enable the Pay Check, 'The Shift has more overtime hours than the acceptable limit', you will need to configure the acceptable number of overtime hours and click save.

You can configure the following Shift Pay Checks:

Timesheet Pay Checks

These Pay Checks relate to Timesheets, including things like a timesheet having no cost or hours, a timesheet needing to be approved, an employee changing default payroll teams throughout a timesheet, and more.

If you choose to enable the Pay Checks 'The timesheet has more overtime hours than the acceptable limit' and 'The timesheet cost is over percentage limit for the previous four timesheets', you will need to enter the acceptable limits and then click save.

You can configure the following Timesheet Pay Checks:

Shift Break Pay Checks

These Pay Checks relate to Shift Breaks, including things like a break having no start or finish time, a break being manually removed from a shift, break start/finish times being manually changed by more than one hour, and more.

You can configure the following Shift Break Pay Checks:

Payslip Pay Checks

These Pay Checks relate to payslips, including things like superannuation contributions exceeding the minimum contribution base, a payslip being the employee's first, or an employment end date being scheduled during that pay run.

You can currently configure the following Payslip Pay Checks:

Tax Declaration Pay Checks

These Pay Checks relate to Tax Declarations, including things like an employee having no tax-free threshold selected, an employee having no Tax File Number entered, an employee having no income type selected, and more.

You can configure the following Tax Declaration Pay Checks:

Pay Conditions Pay Checks

These Pay Checks relate to an employee's Pay Conditions, including things like an employee having no employment type entered, a permanent employee missing their contracted weekly hours, an employee having both a salary and an overriding hourly rate, and more.

You can configure the following Pay Conditions Pay Checks:

Department Pay Checks

Currently, we only have one Pay Check under the Department Settings category. This Pay Check allows you to prevent adding qualifications to a team if a member of that team is missing the necessary qualifications. For more details, see our Qualifications help guide.

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