Need to share workplace policies? Don't have formalised copies? Check out Tanda HR Legal Templates, our collection of policies for common workplace scenarios like Appropriate Workplace Behaviour, created and updated by employment law firm Kingston Reid.
Send documents or document bundles to staff, record their acknowledgement, and have them accessible in Tanda.
What's covered in this guide?
Access documents
To access or upload documents and document bundles, navigate to the Contracts & Documents hub under the Workforce tab.
Upload a document
Use the Documents feature to upload PDF documents of up to 5MB to Tanda.
To upload a document:
Navigate to the Documents tab in the Contracts & Documents hub
Click the + Add Document button
Click the + Add file button and select the PDF file
Name the document
Click the + Add to document library button
As documents are uploaded, they will appear in the list where they can be Deleted, Sent, or Viewed.
Scope a document to a team or location
When uploading documents, you can also select whether they should only be sent to a specific team or location.
To do so, select the teams or locations from the drop down menu.
Important to note: When scoping documents part of a bundle, the bundle will be scoped to the common teams shared across the documents. If there are no common teams, the documents cannot be bundled and scoping settings may need adjusting.
Send a document
Individual documents can be sent to existing staff through the Documents section of the Contracts & Documents hub.
To send a document:
Navigate to the Documents tab in the Contracts & Documents hub
Click the Send button next to the relevant document
Select any Teams or Locations to receive the document
Select any Individual staff to receive the document
Select any additional Documents to send to the selected employees
Click the Send button
Once a document is sent, the details will populate in the Sent Documents tab of the Contracts & Documents hub.
Send a document from the Employee Profile
A document can be sent directly from the employee's profile. Within a profile Navigate to the HR tab then select Contracts and Docs.
On this tab select "SEND DOCUMENTS" and then select the relevant documents, document bundles or upload a new document to send.
This method does not allow changes to the employee's Pay Conditions. The document sent will be associated with the current pay conditions.
Create and edit document bundles
Document bundles are used to send multiple documents to staff during either employee onboarding or when needed by existing staff.
A Default Document bundle will already exist, and will be included in onboarding invitations by default.
To create a document bundle:
Navigate to the Documents tab in the Contracts & Documents hub
Switch to the Document Bundles tab
Click the + Create Document Bundle button
Upload any new documents, or tick the checkbox next to the relevant existing documents
Name the bundle
Click the Create Document Bundle button
Once saved, details of the bundle will be added, including name, creation date, and which documents are included in the bundle.
To make adjustments to the bundle, use the View/Edit button. Use this button to add or remove documents from the Default Documents bundle.
Send document bundles
Document bundles can be sent during Employee Onboarding or when necessary to existing staff.
Send through Employee Onboarding
To send document bundles when onboarding new staff:
Navigate to Employee Onboarding under the Workforce tab
Enter details for the new employee
Select the relevant document bundles to send under the Attach Documents menu (note: multiple bundles can be attached)
Click the Send Invite button once all onboarding details are complete
Important to note: the Default Documents bundle will automatically be selected whenever staff are being onboarded. To remove, deselect it from the Attach Documents menu.
Send to existing employees
To send document bundles to existing employees:
Navigate to the Documents tab in the Contracts & Documents hub
Switch to the Document Bundles tab
Click the Send button next to the relevant bundle
Select any Teams or Locations to receive the bundle
Select any Individual staff to receive the bundle
Select any additional Bundles to send to the selected employees
Click the Send button
Once complete, the Sent Documents tab will update to reflect the sent bundles.
How employees acknowledge documents
When a document is sent to an employee, they'll receive an email notifying them of a pending document which can then be acknowledged on the Tanda mobile app.
Acknowledge a document with the following process:
Open the Tanda Mobile App
Click on your profile picture in the top right corner
Select the Documents tab and View the relevant document
Use the tick box to confirm you've understood the document and click Submit
Once a document has been acknowledged, it can still be accessed in the app under the Signed tab.
Why can't I delete a document?
Any documents that have been sent to an employee at some point cannot be deleted. This is done so that the history of which staff have received the document can be retained for record keeping.
How do employees access documents to acknowledge?
If an employee has been sent documents through Employee Onboarding, the documents can be accepted under the Forms to Review section of onboarding. Employees are required to acknowledge documents to submit their onboarding form.
If an employee has been sent documents outside of Employee Onboarding, they will receive an email notifying them that a document is pending acceptance. This email will include a link to the Tanda mobile app, where the document can be accepted.