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Managing Rostered Days Off in Tanda
Updated over a week ago

In Tanda, there is the ability to mark a day in the roster as a Rostered Day Off.

This feature can be used in quick building rosters and the application of automatic overtime rules where applicable.

What is a Rostered Day Off?

Some modern awards and enterprise agreements stipulate that employees are entitled to a certain number of rostered days off (RDO) per roster period.

RDOs are days that the employee does not have to work, and can be paid or unpaid.

For further information on your RDO requirements please refer to your award or enterprise agreement.

How to Use the 'Rostered Day Off' Functionality

To categorised a shift as a Rostered Day Off navigate to Time & Attendance > Rosters > view the roster via the Staff View drop down on the roster viewing menu:

Select the day that is the RDO and click the Rostered Day Off button:

The day will now be marked as a rostered day off in the roster:

The times in the Roster Day Off field can be edited to reflect the accurate 24 hour period the employee will be on an RDO:

NOTE: If there are no times entered into the Rostered Day Off marker the default will be midnight to midnight.

Include Rostered Days Off in Regular Hours of Work

If your employee has a rostered day/s off that is included in their regular hours of work pattern this can be set up in Tanda and used in the Quick Build rostering feature.

To add a rostered day off to the employee profile navigate to Time & Attendance > Staff > select the applicable employee > Regular Hours > Edit regular hours:

To mark a day as a rostered day off click the '+' button on the right-hand side and then select + Add Rostered Day Off:

The day will then be categorised as a rostered day off:

You can edit the time the 24 hour rostered day off period commences. By updating the start time the finish time will automatically update to reflect the full 24 hour period.

If no time is entered the default will be midnight to midnight as seen above.

Once you have finished updating the Regular Hours of Work click Save in the bottom right hand corner. The Regular Hours tab will now display the rostered days off:

For further information on Regular Hours in Tanda please see the Configure employee contract hours (regular hours of work) article.

Quick Build Rosters with Rostered Days Off

Once Regular Hours have been set up with Rostered Days Off these will pull through to the roster when building a roster from regular hours of work.

To do this navigate to Rosters > click on the Quick Build button on the left-hand side of the screen:

Click Regular Hours from the options displayed:

And then select Build Shifts:

A confirmation will appear confirming the number of new shifts and RDO that will be created. If you are happy with the summary click OK.

The shifts and RDOs will then be created as set up in the employee's Regular Hours tab. The below example is based on the Regular Hours entered above:

For further information on quick building rosters from templates please see the Roster faster with templates article.

Rostered Days Off and Overtime

Some modern awards and enterprise agreements stipulate that when an employee works on their rostered day off they are to be paid overtime.

Some of the modern awards managed by Tanda contain 'Working on Rostered Day Off' overtime rules. These Managed Templates are:

When a day on the roster is marked as a Rostered Day Off and then the employee subsequently works on this day the 'RDO Worked' overtime rules will automatically apply to the time worked:

If the employee starts working prior to the set RDO period then the time worked prior will be paid at ordinary hours rates.

In this example, the RDO commenced at 9.00am and the employee commenced at 7.00am so there are two hours of work paid at ordinary hours rates prior to the overtime applying:

For further information on whether working on an RDO triggers overtime please refer to your award or enterprise agreement.

Custom Rostered Day Off Overtime Rules

You can also create custom award rules to apply overtime when an employee works on a rostered day off.

To do this navigate to Compliance > Manage next to Custom Award Rules under Customise Your Setup > + New award rule > Under the After number of hours worked you will find the Worked on RDO overtime condition:

Click this feature and set up the award rules as required.

For further information on creating award rules in your Tanda account please see the article Compliance: Creating Award Rules.

Further Information

If you have any questions regarding the above including how to Rostered Days Off in the roster or via custom award rules, please contact our support team via live chat or email (

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