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Create and post a job ad
Create and post a job ad

Customise a job ad to your business needs and find the right candidate quickly with Tanda Hire.

Updated over 12 months ago

Customise a job ad to your business needs and find the right candidate quickly with Tanda Hire.

This feature is available for users on the Tanda HR plan.

Create a job ad

To create a job ad, navigate to Hire > Job Ads and click the + New Job Ad button at the top of the page.

Next, enter role details and additional questions.

Role details

The following details can be included on the job ad:

  • Title

  • Position (see the Positions guide for more information)

  • Pay Rate

  • Primary work location

  • Employment/job type

Additional questions

You may require more details or resources from candidates based on the role they're applying for. Use additional questions to request this information.

Additional questions allow either Free text or Yes or No answers.


A detailed job description can be added at to the bottom of the job ad page.

💡 Tip: If you're not collecting applications yet, untick the Accepting applicants option at the bottom of the page. You can re-tick this option at any time.

Share a job posting with applicants

There are several ways that you can share a job ad once it's been created:

  • Post to socials

  • Link the public listing

  • Create a QR code

  • Text a link to your job ad

Post to socials

Once you've successfully created your job ad, you'll receive a success message that includes a link to the public listing and options to share the job ad to social channels, a QR code, or through your account's Communications feature.

Post to your public page

Once public, your job ad will appear with the role details, description, and screening questions you've configured. Anyone with access to the link generated with the ad can enter their details and apply.

Create a QR code

You can also advertise the vacant role via a QR code.

To do so:

  1. Click the relevant job ad via Hire > Job Ads

  2. Click the QR Code button in the top corner of the job posting

  3. Customise the text to be printed with the QR code

  4. Click the Print QR Code button

More customisation is available with external QR code tools. If you'd like to use these external tools, click the Want to customise the design? button and copy the unique code for the job ad.

Text a link to your job ad

When you've already got a candidate in mind, or you're quickly sharing a link to your job ad, you can also send a link to the job ad via SMS.

To do so:

  1. Navigate to the Overview tab on the Hire page

  2. Click the + New button next to the All Candidates section

  3. Enter the candidate's phone number and click Send SMS

Important to note: There is a cost of 3.5 cents AUD associated with any SMS sent. This will appear as additional charges on monthly invoices.

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