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TOIL / RDO Accruals

How to record accrued time in Tanda (i.e TOIL, TIL, RDO, flexi-time)

Updated over a week ago

Some employment agreements allow time off to be taken instead of being paid overtime. This is commonly known as 'Time off in lieu' or 'TOIL' (also sometimes 'Rostered Day Off' or 'RDO')

How it works

TOIL/RDO works the same way as leave.

The TOIL/RDO balance increases when a TOIL award rule applies on timesheets.

The TOIL/RDO balance decreases when leave is taken using the TOIL leave type.

You can accrue and store the TOIL/RDO balance in your payroll system or in Tanda by following the steps detailed in this article. The steps to begin accruing TOIL in Tanda are:

  1. Create award rules to apply at times when TOIL/RDO accrues

  2. Create a TOIL/RDO leave type

  3. Set starting TOIL/RDO balances

Create award rules to apply at times when TOIL/RDO accrues

For a detailed walkthrough please see this video:

Navigate to Compliance > Custom award rules (Manage) and click + new award rule.

The conditions for this rule should match the days and times you want TOIL to accrue (i.e. applies after 38 hours worked or just certain shifts).

If overriding a Tanda managed template, the conditions will need to either be the same or more specific than the overtime rules currently applying to the staff member. A good way to ensure this it to create your TOIL accrual rule with the same conditions of the OT rule contained in the award template, and ensure the TOIL/RDO rule overrides this by testing on a timesheet.

You can find the list of which overtime rules apply to a particular employee by navigating to the Award Rules page of the employee profile.

Copy the conditions of these rules into your TOIL/RDO rule and test on a timesheet to ensure its working as expected.

Tip: If systematic TOIL accrual is not desired, the best approach would be to set the rule to apply to 'Specific Shifts' with an Award tag that represents TOIL Accrued. Staff profiles and shifts on the timesheet would then need to be tagged to be calculated as TOIL Accrued.

Under Step 4. Outcomes:

  • Set the 'What rate is it paid at?' multiplier to x0

  • Enter the Export name as the name of the leave type you will use when leave is taken. These need to match exactly - this is how Tanda will know to accrue this leave type

  • Tick 'Export this time as a TOIL or RDO accrual'

  • Set the TOIL Accrual rate (this will determine how many hours will accrue for each hour worked with this award rule applying)


  • If you don't want to accrue a TOIL/RDO balance in your payroll software, select 'Do not export this to payroll'. This will prevent TOIL accrual hours from being exported with your timesheet exports, meaning this balance will only be accrued in Tanda.

  • If you accrue TOIL in your payroll software, check that the accrual rate matches the rate set in the steps above.

Create a leave type for TOIL/RDO

Navigate to Compliance > Manage Leave Types to create the leave type used to record when accrued time is taken.

The name needs to exactly match the name entered in the 'Export Name' in the accrual award rule (it is case sensitive).

Set a starting TOIL leave balance

If you automatically sync leave balances from your payroll software to Tanda:

Enter your starting balance into your payroll software and it will be synced to Tanda the next time your leave balances are synced.

If you don't sync leave balances from your payroll software to Tanda, or if you manually import leave balances:

Opening balances can be added in bulk by navigating to Leave > Tools > Leave Balances or individually on employee profiles under the Leave Requests menu.

Balances increase when shifts where TOIL accrual award rules apply are approved. Balances decrease when requests for TOIL taken are approved.

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