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See What Your Staff See

Test the impact of settings changes by impersonating Staff.

Updated over a month ago

This help guide will explain how to see Tanda as another staff member sees it. Note that this functionality only applies to account Admins.

Impersonating another staff member can be useful for several reasons, such as:

  • Testing the impact of changes you make to Settings or Permissions. For example, you might enable the setting 'Allow team managers to edit/approve their own timesheets' and then impersonate a manager to test that the changes are applying correctly.

  • Checking what a staff member can see to provide instructions on how to use Tanda.

  • Checking what information is visible to staff based on your setup to ensure privacy and verify employees can't access sensitive information.

How it Works

To see Tanda as your staff see it, follow the below process:

  1. Log in to Tanda using a web browser at

  2. Hover over your profile picture in the top right corner of the screen. Then, select 'See Tanda as...' from the drop-down menu.

  3. Select the the user you want to view Tanda as. When searching for employees, location managers will appear with a blue icon, team managers will appear with a green icon, and employees will appear with a grey icon. (Note: Untick the 'only show location managers' box or use the search box to find staff.)

To confirm this was successful, look for the 'You are viewing Tanda as _____' banner at the top of the screen. For example:

To return to your profile, click the 'Stop Impersonating' button located in the above. banner.

Note: Any action you take while using this feature will be recorded as if you made the action in the Audit History. For example, if you approved a Timesheet while viewing Tanda as another user, you would still register as making those changes (not the employee you're impersonating) in the Timesheet History.

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