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Manually Importing CSV or Spreadsheet Sales and Budget Data
Manually Importing CSV or Spreadsheet Sales and Budget Data

Importing sheets if you have forecast sales, budgets or other types of demand data

Updated over a week ago

You can import data you may have created in spreadsheets from a budgeting and forecasting standpoint quite easily into Tanda.

This is also helpful if there is no direct integration to your POS or demand systems in that it can unlock opportunities to forecast and report on actuals in Tanda.

Import via CSV or spreadsheet for Sales, Revenue, Demand Data and Budgets

Head to the settings cog in the top right of Tanda and click on the Integrations section:

Head to Manage Datastreams on the left hand side:

Up the top right you will see two green buttons:

+ Add My Data is for adding actual sales data i.e. what actually happened historically. It is also where you can add labour budgets.

+ Add My Predicted Data is where you would add your forecasts for sales, revenue, etc. i.e. what you want to plan against for the future.

Follow the instructions on the import pages to load your data into Tanda. You don't necessarily have to use the templates, if you can get a CSV from other systems (like POS), you may be able to match headers and columns to make importing really easy.

Under section 2 you can match the columns from the sheet you are working in so Tanda knows how to import it; and you can name and save this config to make importing in the future very easy:

In terms of these columns, Tanda needs to know a few things to get data in properly:

Time: The time of day when the sale/transaction/metric occurred (you can leave this column blank if you want to enter in daily sales).

Data Stream Name: The name of the group of data you want to work with e.g. Location name, POS Terminal 1 vs 2, or Food vs Beverage, etc (this will need to be set to "sales" if you want it to show up in the dashboard widgets).

Date: The date when the sale/transaction/metric occurred.

Data Point: The numerical value of the data e.g. $s, or transaction count, etc.

Data Type: The "type" of data I.e. is the number sales $s (in which case I would call it sales); or is it a transaction count (call it transactions), or number of bookings (call it bookings) etc. If you are importing a Labour Budget, label the Data Type 'Labour Budget'.

Note: You will need to return to this import page each time you wish to import your data.

Checking your Import

Once you have imported your data without issue you should be returned to the import screen with a "Successfully imported data" message:

To check that the data has come in as expected head to Manage Your Datastreams (found in the red box above).

If importing data for the first time you should now see a data stream with a name same as the column from our import linked to "Data Stream Name":

From our import screen:

We should now see in data streams:

Clicking on the data stream will then show a graph of the data we imported to check if its valid and correct or not:

If we then need to import data again each period - for instance next months actuals once they have occurred or a new set of forecasts - we just want to use the same data stream name and our new stats will appear in the data stream nicely organised.

What Next

Once you have imported data you will need to Configure your Sales, Revenue, Budgets & Demand Data (Data Streams) to link them to locations and teams in Tanda.

When the data streams are linked you can then start utilizing it across Tanda in a few ways:

  • Live Insights

  • Weekly Planner

  • Forecasting Sales in Rosters

  • Reporting


Why do we want a "Data Type"?

One data stream can potentially have multiple data types in it as a way to keep your data organised in Tanda. A good example of this is having one data stream from a POS system which has within it both sales and transactions counts:

What's the difference between "+ Add my data" and "+ "Add my predicted data"?

Tanda has a concept of "actual" vs "predicted" stats. This allows us to report actual sales (or any other type of demand) whilst having a concept of a forecast for the future.

Essentially we need to be able to differentiate the two so that Tanda can show variances in places like dashboard widgets, mobile app widgets, and reports between a forecast and the actual outcome.

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