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Transitioning from another payroll system for STP reporting
Transitioning from another payroll system for STP reporting

How to transition to Tanda payroll from another system.

Updated over a week ago

Before your first pay run with Tanda, you'll need to transition off your previous payroll system to ensure you continue to meet your Single Touch Payroll reporting obligations.

This process is different if you are transitioning in the middle of a financial year, or your first pay run with Tanda is the first of a new financial year.

Transitioning payroll systems mid-financial year

Option 1 (Recommended) - Finalise income statements in your existing payroll system

The simplest way to transition in the middle of a financial year is to finalise each employee's income statement in your previous payroll system.

This process will be similar to how you run an end-of-financial-year finalisation. (Contact your existing payroll provider if you are unsure of how to do this.)

In Tanda under Payroll > Reporting Details you will want your ATO Reporting to look as follows.

Note: You can still upload Year to Date Opening Balances for employees so that payslips show amounts paid before transitioning to Tanda. Learn how to bulk import year-to-date balances here.

Option 2 - Import disaggregated year-to-date opening balances and transition employee ID's from your old system

This option requires you to import each employee's year-to-date opening balances for:

  • Each earnings type (i.e Ordinary, Overtime, Allowances)

  • Leave Taken

  • Tax Withheld

  • Super Accrued

  • Deductions

These details can be imported via the Staff Import / Export or manually added to the employee's profile via Payroll > Staff and click on the value in the 'Opening Balances' column.

Next, navigate to Payroll > Single Touch Payroll > Update Event.

Enter the following details:

  • The BMS Identifier that your previous payroll system reported from (can be found in the ATO's business portal)

  • The Payroll ID used to submit STP for each employee (this is often a system ID that your previous payroll provider assigned and not the employee number that you generate for staff).

Select the staff that you want to run the update event for. Before doing this, double check that you have:

  • A tax declaration and address for those employees in Tanda

  • Have imported their year-to-date balance

  • Have entered the correct payroll ID and BMS Identifier.

Related articles: Single Touch payroll

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