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Paying your staff using the Schedule 5 Tax Table
Paying your staff using the Schedule 5 Tax Table

Pay employee bonuses & commissions, cashed out leave, back payments and other lump sum payments using the Schedule 5 tax table.

Updated this week

Tanda can automate tax calculations for "Bonuses and Commissions" and "Cashed out Leave requests" using Method A on the Schedule 5 Tax Table. To automate the Schedule 5 calculations, Tanda requires that these payments are processed with the regular salary and wages, otherwise Schedule 5 tax payments can be added to the pay run manually.

This article covers how to apply lump sum payments to an employee's payslip.

Creating a Lump Sum Type

Navigate to Payroll > Settings > Lump Sum Types and click New.

Complete the fields and click + Create.

STP type: There are several options when selecting an STP type, including:

  • Bonus or Commission: Used to pay standard bonuses, commissions or similar lump sum payments.

  • Lump Sum W: Used for return-to-work payments

Applying a Lump Sum Type to a Payslip

When processing payroll, navigate to an employee's payslips via Payroll > Run Payroll and click on their name.

Under the section titled Lump Sum Payments, click Add.

Enter an amount.

You will see a new row appear in the Taxes section, titled PAYG Schedule 5. The applicable amount to be withheld for the lump sum payment will appear here.

For steps on how Cashed out leave requests are added and configured, head to our Cashing out leave entitlements help article

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Method A calculate how much tax to withhold?

This method calculates withholding by apportioning additional payments made in the current pay period over the number of pay periods in a financial year and applying that average amount to the gross earnings in the current pay period.

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