Tanda has two reports that help users fulfil their Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) reporting obligations: the WGEA Workforce Profile Report and the WGEA Workforce Profile Statistics Report.
This help guide will explain how to run and interpret these reports. We will also provide further context about WGEA reporting obligations in Australia, including which steps Tanda can and cannot assist with.
What Does This Help Guide Cover?
What is WGEA?
WGEA stands for the Workplace Gender Equality Agency, which was established in 2012 through the Workplace Gender Equality Act.
Under the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012, both non-public sector and Commonwealth public sector employers with 100 or more employees must submit a report to WGEA annually.
What are the WGEA Reporting Requirements?
As mentioned, any public or non-public sector employer with over 100 employees must submit a report to WGEA annually.
Specifically, employers who meet the above criteria are required to provide WGEA with the following details:
Complete a 53-question online questionnaire covering policies, strategies, and actions on gender equality.
Complete a Workforce Profile spreadsheet, including details about workforce composition, salaries, and remuneration. Remuneration details can be provided either by Unit File or STP.
Complete a spreadsheet detailing Workforce Management Statistics by gender, employment type, and management level (including information on employee appointments, promotions, resignations, and parental leave).
Provide an approval form signed by the director of your business declaring that the information provided is accurate.
For a more detailed list of requirements, please see the WGEA Reporting Guide.
Which WGEA Requirements Does Tanda Help With?
While Tanda cannot fully automate the WGEA reporting process, we can significantly reduce the time and effort required to gather all the necessary information.
Unfortunately, we cannot assist with steps 1 or 4 listed above. You will need to complete the questionnaire based on your business's unique circumstances. Likewise, your business director will need to sign the declaration described in step 4.
However, we can help compile the information required for steps 2 and 3 via our WGEA reports, which we will explain below.
Accessing Tanda’s WGEA Reports
To begin using our WGEA reports, navigate to Reports > Workforce > Employee Reports.
Account Requirements
To run these reports accurately, you will need the following features configured in your account.
Firstly, you will need to configure Positions, with Position Titles assigned to each employee. We use these to determine things like promotions, so accurate Position Titles are essential for the reports to run accurately. To learn more, see our Positions help guide.
With positions configured, we strongly recommend configuring your Organisation Chart, too. To learn more, see our Organisation Charts help guide.
Finally, please ensure your Staff Profiles are accurate and up to date. These reports pull information such as Employee ID, Start Date, Birth Year, and more from Staff Profiles, so it is vital that this information is accurate.
Understanding the WGEA Workforce Profile Report
This report corresponds with point 2 (complete a Workforce Profile spreadsheet), as outlined above.
To begin using the WGEA Workforce Profile Report, set your filters by selecting the columns you want the report to display. The columns in this filter correspond with the 21 WGEA categories you are required to report against. By default, all columns are selected (recommended).
You will also need to select your ‘snapshot date’. This is the start date from which you want the report to pull data.
Once you have set your filters, click Generate and review the report.
Next, you can download the report as a CSV file by selecting Actions > Export as CSV.
From here, you can upload the CSV file into Excel and then copy the information into the required WGEA reporting spreadsheet.
Ensure you review this information for accuracy and any potential formatting errors before final submission.
Understanding the WGEA Workforce Profile Statistics Report
This report corresponds with step 3 (complete a spreadsheet detailing Workforce Management Statistics by gender), as outlined above.
To understand this report, it’s important to provide more context about the exact workforce statistics WGEA requires you to submit.
Per WGEA requirements, you are required to provide gender breakdowns (female, non-binary, and male) about CEOs, Managers, and Non-Managers for the following categories:
Internal Appointments
External appointments
Voluntary resignations
Number of employees on primary carers' parental leave
Number of employees on secondary carers' parental leave
Left during parental leave
This report provides these details for Managers and Non-Managers, but not CEOs. You will need to input CEO details manually, as we do not track these in Tanda.
Due to these varied requirements, you will need to run the report multiple times with a different statistic selected from the Statistics filter (e.g., once for Promotions, once for External Appointments, once for Internal Appointments, etc.). You cannot generate all the necessary information by running the report once.
To begin, first select your columns to display. By default, all columns are selected (recommended). Then, select your date range. Next, select which statistic you want the report to generate (e.g., Promotions, Internal Appointments, External Appointments). Once you’re happy with your filters, click generate and review the report.
Repeat this process for each statistic the WGEA requires you to report on.
As mentioned above, you can then export each report as a CSV file via Actions > Export as CSV.
From here, you can upload your CSV files into Excel and then copy the information into the required WGEA reporting spreadsheet.
Ensure you review this information for accuracy and any potential formatting errors before submission.