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Pay Super with Beam

Learn about our integration with Beam and how to pay super contributions through Tanda Payroll and Beam.

Updated over 6 months ago

What is Beam?

Beam is the optional integration available to Tanda Payroll customers to process superannuation payments. As a super clearing house, Beam uses the super details collected in Tanda Payroll each pay run to distribute superannuation entitlements to your employees' funds.

Pay super accruals through Beam

This article steps through the process of registering with Beam, as well as setting up, and paying super batches through Tanda Payroll. Once you've set up your Beam account through Tanda Payroll, you can start sending and paying super batches.

To check super accruals before paying them, click the Super Accruals page under Payroll > Reports and filter the report using the "Payment Date" filter.

πŸ“ Important to note: If employees are enrolled in a Self-Managed Super Fund, their first super payment must be paid to Beam through BPAY. This is a security precaution implemented by Beam to avoid payments to fraudulent accounts.

Create a super batch

To create a super batch:

  1. Navigate to Payroll > Reports > Pay Super

  2. Click the + New button

  3. Filter the period that the super is being paid for using the From and To fields (by default these will align with regular financial quarters e.g. 1 April - 30 June)

  4. Select whether all staff should be included, or only staff on certain pay periods through the Pay Period dropdown

  5. Select whether you'll be paying all super, only mandatory contributions, or only voluntary contributions through the Contribution types dropdown

  6. Click the Create button

NB: These dates will filter the Payment Date of the pay run, which can be found in the Payment Date column of your Pay Runs:

Enable the Beam integration

You'll have the option to select Beam as your super clearing house when first submitting a super batch in Tanda Payroll.

If this is your first time using Beam, click the "Register with Beam" option at the top of your super batch:

This will send you to the Beam Registration page to confirm your details, payment method, configure a default fund, and read and accept terms and conditions. Some of these fields may already be populated by information you've entered in Tanda Payroll.

πŸ“ Important to note: You'll need to sign up with Beam through Tanda Payroll using this process to ensure Beam and Tanda are connected. This means if you have an existing Beam account, you'll need to create a new account through Tanda Payroll.

For multiple company payroll users: Tanda and Beam will automate the sign up for each of your entities in Tanda Payroll.

No description available.

Submit a super batch to Beam

Once you've created a super batch and enabled the Beam integration, the super accruals will appear with a total payment amount, ready to submit to Beam.

To submit:

  1. Open the relevant super batch

  2. Click the Submit button

  3. Select the Payment method from the dropdown menu

  4. Specify which accounts should be used to debit/refund to (depending on the payment method)

  5. Click the Submit to Beam button once settings have been configured

Once complete, your super fund contributions will have been submitted to Beam. Any issues with the submission will appear on the next page.

Making payment

If you've selected EFT or BPAY as your payment method, you'll need to make payment in full to Beam after submitting your super batch. You'll be emailed with a reminder to make payment.

If you've entered Direct Debit details for payment, you'll automatically be debited the full amount. You may need to authorise Beam to make debits with your bank for your first payment.

πŸ“ Important to note: If employees are enrolled in a Self-Managed Super Fund, their first super payment must be paid to Beam through BPAY. This is a security precaution implemented by Beam to avoid payments to fraudulent accounts.

Beam Payment Details

For EFT and BPAY, the account details to pay Beam will be shown on the page directly after submitting. It's important that you enter the details correctly to ensure payment is made to Beam and subsequently to your employee's super funds:

  • BSB - Same for each super payment you make

  • Account Number - Same for each super payment you make

  • Account Name - Same for each super payment you make

  • Reference Number - Different for each super payment you make

We recommend copying and pasting the details directly from Tanda Payroll and confirming information is correct when making payment.

πŸ“ Important to note: Your reference number will change for each payment to Beam. Make sure the correct reference number is used for each payment, otherwise Beam may have to refund the payment. If this is incorrect, email with the updated reference number.

Confirmation and invoicing

Once payment has been made successfully, you'll be notified via email.

Open photo

If any issues arise with the payment, you'll also be notified via email. Refer to the Payment reconciliation issues to learn more.

Open photo

Your batch in Tanda Payroll will show as a "Partially Paid" status, where the refunded contributions will show at the top of the batch:

πŸ“ Important to note: Beam is issued by Precision Administration Services Pty Ltd (Precision) and therefore the invoice will show PRECISION ADMINISTRATION SERVICES PTY LTD as the debiting account.

Resubmitting a super batch

If there are issues with your super batch, you'll have the opportunity to re-submit it for any unsuccessful employees.

The status of the super batch will show as partially paid, and a summary of the issues and effected staff will appear at the top of the page.

After addressing any issues with the initial submission and payment, use the RE-BATCH UNPAID SUPER button to create a new batch for resubmission:

Payment reconciliation issues

If there are issues with payment made to Beam, you'll be notified directly.






Payment made by the employer is less than the total of the submitted contribution process.

Notification is sent to employer, and 5 days are given to receive remaining payment.

If payment is not received within 5 days of the submission time, batch is cancelled and payment initially received is refunded back in full.

Overpayment (EFT)

EFT overpayment made by the employer is greater than the total of the submitted contribution process.

Overpaid amount refunded manually within 1 day of submission.

Requires correct Reference Number to be used in initial payment.

Overpayment (EFT through NPP & OSKO)

EFT overpayments through NPP & OSKO

Overpayment gets refunded back in full manually 10 days after submission.

Requires correct Reference Number to be used in initial payment.

No Payment


Employer fails to send their payment to Beam within 3 business days from when the contribution process was submitted.

Notification is sent to employer on day 3 and batch is automatically cancelled if payment is not received by day 10.


(Direct debit)

Employer has submitted a direct debit contribution process and when Beam have attempted to debit the funds the bank dishonours the request.

Notification is sent to employer advising payment needs to be received by day 10 or batch gets cancelled.

Option for an alternative payment method (EFT or BPAY) is given.

πŸ“ Important to note: The BSB and Account Number for that Tanda Payroll file will be used in cases where Beam refunds part/ all of your batch payment.

For any questions or concerns, please contact, where we can troubleshoot and escalate to Beam if required.

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