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Create an audit

Learn how to add audit details, questions, trigger events, and more.

Updated over 12 months ago

This feature is available for users on the Tanda HR plan.

Permissions & access

Access to the audits feature requires the Tanda Operations module to be enabled. This can be done by an account admin via Settings > Feature Management.

By default, audits can be created by Manager and Admin type roles. Manage permissions to create and edit audits through Settings > All Settings > Permissions > Customise access and roles here under the System section.

Add audit details

Once Operations has been enabled and the permissions configured, checklist details can be added.

To do so:

  1. Navigate to Operations > Audits

  2. Click the + Add Audit button

  3. Enter a Name (required)

  4. Add a Description (optional)

  5. Specify the Teams or Locations with access to the audit (required)

  6. Click the Create button once all information is entered

Once created, started organising the audit with pages and sections.

Add pages & sections

Audits can be organised by Pages, and grouped even further by Sections.

To create a Page:

  1. Open the relevant Audit through Operations > Audits > Edit

  2. Click the + Add Page button

  3. Enter a Name (required)

  4. Add a Description or Reference File (optional)

  5. Click the Create button

  6. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page

Once a page has been created, sections can be added within the page.

Note: Sections are optional.

To create a section:

  1. Find the relevant Page within the Audit

  2. Click the + Add Section button

  3. Enter a section Name (required)

  4. Specify if this section is Repeatable

  5. Add a Description or Reference File (optional)

  6. Click the Create button

  7. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page

Add questions

Once pages and sections have been created, start adding questions with the + Add Question button in the relevant section/page.

Each question can include the following details:

  • Name - enter the question you're asking here

  • Type - select the type of response that should be recorded

  • Trigger - add any additional questions to be asked based on the employee's response (only available for Multiple Choice, Character, Number, Temperature, Rating, and Number Slider types)

  • Response options - additional details based on the response type selected (only available for Multiple Choice, Temperature, Rating, and Number Slider types)

  • Required - specify whether a response is required for this question

  • Additional information - add either a description or reference file


Depending on an employee's response to a question, you may want additional information or context. Create a trigger to ask a follow-up question.

Note: Triggers can only be created for questions with either Multiple Choice, Character, Number, Temperature, Rating, or Number Slider as the response types

To create a trigger:

  1. Find the relevant Question

  2. Click the + Add Trigger button

  3. Specify the Type of trigger

  4. Enter the Value to trigger off (required)

  5. Specify if the employee should leave an additional comment (optional)

  6. Specify if the employee should upload a photo (optional)

  7. Specify if the employee should be asked an additional question (optional)

  8. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page

Multiple triggers actions can be set based on the type of questions.

Response details

For Multiple Choice, Temperature, Rating, and Number Slider response types, additional Response details can be included.

These include:

  • Additional response options for Multiple Choice responses (defaults to Yes/No)

  • Minimum and maximum values for Temperatures

  • Minimum and maximum values for Ratings

  • Minimum and maximum values for the Number Slider


Can a question record more than one response type?

Only one response type can be selected for a question. Depending on the question being asked, try creating multiple questions and grouping them together in a section.

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