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Create and manage assets

Add new assets, manage important records and details, and view edit and checkout history.

Updated over a week ago

This feature is available for users on the Tanda HR plan.


To create, edit, and delete assets, ensure the relevant permissions have been enabled through Settings > All Settings > Permissions > Customise access & roles:

By default, admin and manager roles will have the relevant permissions enabled.

Add an asset

Once the relevant permissions have been enabled, navigate to Operations > Assets > Manage Assets. Use the Add Asset button to start.

When adding an asset, the following fields are required:

  • Associated location/s

  • Associated team/s

  • Category

  • Asset name

The following details are optional:

  • Asset Tag ID

  • Purchase date

  • Purchase cost

  • Where the asset was purchased

  • Brand

  • Model

  • Serial/identifying number

  • Longer description

An asset can also be shared with employees. Enabling this allows your staff to check it in and out.

Once finished, click the Create Asset button.

Manage assets

Once you've added an asset, it will appear under the Manage Assets tab. Assets can be filtered by location or availability status, and can also be searched for.

To edit any details previously added, click the three dots on the relevant item, then Edit Asset.

Additional files and records can also be stored against each asset. To do so, select View Asset next to the relevant item.

Attach files

Additional files can be attached to each asset, such as manuals or cleaning instructions.

Add a File name, Category (optional), and attach the File.

Warranty record

Details of the asset's warranty can be added under the Warranty tab. Select the Start Date, End Date, add a description (optional), and attach a file (optional).

Repair record

Keep track of past and upcoming repairs to your assets under the Repairs tab. Enter the relevant Date, Description (optional), Cost (optional), who the repair was Completed By (optional), the Status of the repair, and attach a file (optional).

Maintenance record

Schedule frequent maintenance to equipment or vehicles under the Maintenance tab. Select the Date, add a Description (optional), Cost (optional), who the maintenance was Completed By (optional), the Status of the maintenance, and attach a File (optional).

Contracts and leases

Ensure you have a copy of contracts and leases on hand under the Contracts/Leases tab. Select the Start and End dates, the Type of agreement, add Description (optional), and attach a File (optional).

Insurance details

Store insurance policies and renewal dates for vehicles and equipment under the Insurance tab. Select the Start and End dates, add a Description (optional), select a Renewal date (optional), and attach a File (optional).

Checkout history

For assets that are shared with employees, a detailed history of checkins and checkouts can be found under the Checkout History tab.

Each entry will include the Action (either Check Out or Return), the User performing the action, the Date the action was taken, the Date the asset was due (optional), and any Comments left by the user.

Edit history

The Edit History will show any updates made to the asset details. Each entry will show the Action being taken, User performing the action, Date and Time the action was taken, and the Before and After of what changed.


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